740-253-5382 Maria@TheOliveAve.com
“There Are No Good Guys Left”-Why the Problem Might Not Be What You Think
September 12, 2024

Maria Olive

How many times have you heard (or maybe even said) the phrase, “There are no good guys left”? It’s easy to feel this way when you’ve been through heartbreak and disappointment. But today, I want to share something important with you: there’s a secret to finding a high-quality partner. Before I reveal it, let me take you through my personal journey—what my life was like before I learned this secret.

Here’s the truth:

  • I failed at marriage three times.
  • I had more meaningless dates and relationships than I care to admit.

And the cost of those failed relationships?

  • My relationship with my daughter suffered.
  • I felt like an embarrassment and a burden to my family and friends.
  • I confused my children’s understanding of healthy relationships, serving as a negative role model, and possibly impacting their future relationships and emotional well-being.
  • I neglected my professional development and career.
  • I lost my dignity and self-respect.
  • I gained weight.
  • I compromised my values.
  • My reputation was affected.
  • My credit was ruined and rebuilt three times.
  • I got pregnant by a man who had no intention of being in a long-term relationship with me, and tragically, my daughter passed away 30 minutes after she was born (RIP Lauryn Phillips).

These experiences left me feeling broken, lost, and hopeless.

But then, I learned the secret.

Once I internalized this truth, everything began to change:

  • My confidence increased.
  • I finally felt proud of myself for getting it right.
  • I felt excited to share my new partner with my family and friends.
  • My children can now see what a healthy relationship looks like, and I’m able to be the positive role model they deserve.
  • My values are now reinforced by my partner’s support.
  • I’ve grown substantially in my career thanks to my partner’s encouragement and my renewed sense of self-worth.
  • Together, my partner and I have accomplished more than we ever could alone.
  • I’m still struggling with my weight…but now, it’s for a completely different reason!

So, what’s the secret? Here it is: The problem isn’t that there are no good guys left—the problem was me.

Now, if you’re stuck in a prideful or victim mindset, you might reject this idea outright. You might think, “There’s no way I’m the problem.” I get it because I used to think the same thing. But here’s the hard truth: every day I spent living in emotional chaos, I chose to be there.

The truth, my friends, is this: NOTHING changes in your life unless YOU change.

It wasn’t until I took ownership of my choices, my actions, and my mindset that I was able to turn things around. When you stop blaming others and start focusing on your own growth, everything changes.

If you’re ready to take control of your life and relationships, let’s begin this journey together. You deserve a partner who values and supports you, and it all starts with YOU. Let’s break free from the belief that there are no good men left and start attracting the right kind of partner by making the right changes within ourselves.

Join my Facebook group, “Secrets to Attracting a High-Quality Man,” where we dive deeper into these lessons and learn how to cultivate the life and relationships we deserve.

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Maria is extremely personable and I can relate to her easily. Maria is teaching from experience. I like that she asks us to do...
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Maria is extremely personable and I can relate to her easily.  Maria is teaching from experience. I like that she asks us to do activities that she uses in her life.  I have not asked a question or asked for a scenario that Maria doesn’t have some kind of knowledge for.  The modules Maria has put together for her program are extremely helpful. The podcasts she uses are full of information that pertains to the week's subject. The activities are very thought provoking.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the program and would recommend it to anyone -Angie Taylor

I highly recommend Maria

I have had the privilege of knowing Maria for several years, and I am blessed to have had her as my coach .. I found...
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I highly recommend Maria

I have had the privilege of knowing Maria for several years, and I am blessed to have had her as my coach.. I found myself looking forward to each session, completely inspired to meet each goal we discussed. I couldn't wait to share each accomplishment, and discuss the next adventure to challenge myself with. Things I had put off for years were completed in a few short sessions. Maria's dedication, professionalism and kindness shine through with each encounter. I highly recommend Maria,  and look forward to sharing more dreams that easily become a reality under her coaching. Tami

10/10 Experience

I had the pleasure of being coached by Maria in October 2023. It was a great experience. Maria was easy to talk to and I felt...
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Birdd Karter

10/10 Experience

I had the pleasure of being coached by Maria in October 2023. It was a great experience. Maria was easy to talk to and I felt very comfortable with her. She has a way of making you think and drawing things out of you that you didn’t think you had in you. I liked the way she communicated with me. She was straightforward, listens to understand, and helps guide you instead of doing the work for you (which is something I needed). She’s naturally empathetic which I love because I’m the same way. I’ll definitely use her again due to how effective she was at helping me overall with my goals. Til this day I use some of the tactics she showed me because they work and for that I’m grateful.
Birdd Karter

I promise you will love her!

Maria is a gifted coach. She is relatable, trustworthy, kind and intuitive. Her coaching style is perfect for those wanting...
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I promise you will love her!

Maria is a gifted coach. She is relatable, trustworthy, kind and intuitive. Her coaching style is perfect for those wanting to lean into their own answers with support and guidance from a coach who truly cares about their clients' success. It was a pleasure working with Maria on my goals and I still utilize the tools she helped me design for myself 6 months later!  I'm so appreciative that I got to work with her and brainstorm together for what's important to me.

This coaching has exceeded my expectations!

My overall experience has been great! Maria is helping me focus and gather crucial information and reflections for myself all into one space....
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This coaching has exceeded my expectations!

My overall experience has been great! Maria is helping me focus and gather crucial information and reflections for myself all into one space.  What I have found most valuable is just the "awareness" and the confidence that this coaching has fostered in me.  It has forced me to take the time to both verbalize and record what I have to offer someone as well as what I have to offer myself. This coaching has exceeded my expectations because of the inner work that it has given me the accountability and structure to do. It has taught me to live with forward thinking in a state of presentness today! This coaching has helped me get way more specific about what I want in a partner and allowed me to not waste my time talking to men who don't meet my qualifiers. The more clear I become about what I want and need the more I can not waste my time which is a non-renewable resource! I would rate Maria's professional and expertise 9/10!  No one has arrived and we all have blind spots but overall so many valuable resources brought together under one umbrella! I would definitely recommend her service to others because it's valuable work that actually transfers into all areas of your life! - Angie Wilson

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Secrets to Attracting A High Quality Man


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