740-253-5382 Maria@TheOliveAve.com

This coaching has exceeded my expectations!

One of my biggest challenges was a belief that there just wasn’t anyone out there for me. I already had a love story once and that might just be all that life was going to offer me. I felt defeated and hopeless. This program helped me realize that relationships and finding someone is really all about intentionality. I think the self work that you have to do in this program is absolutely priceless! It forces you to uncover so much about your values and what it is you are actually looking for in a mate. It forces you to ask the hard questions and not rely on someone else to answer them for you! Initially, I was worried that I was going to regret spending all this money and not feeling like I learned or discovered anything new! Having now completed this program I have zero regrets and think this process has been priceless!  
I felt like Maria was available to process and help me navigate things whenever I needed her! I think I have a confidence now that constantly reminds me that I have all that it takes to navigate relationships and dating successfully! Not perfectly but successfully! I would encourage those considering Maria’s program to be brave and just take the risk! It forces you to pause and take the time to do the work on yourself. I think this program has helped me redefine who I am and be confident in standing on that foundation. I ultimately believe that I met my partner because of this program.-Angie Wilson